The spot of Abu Bakar (RA) is the approximate location in Masjid e Nabvi. In fact, the house was con...
Though the permanent residence of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Madinah was in Masjid Nabvi, yet during ...
Certainly, Kaaba is the House of Allah-Almighty and it was built by the Prophet of Ibrahim (AS) and ...
Blackstone is setting inside the Kaaba ,which is fixed by the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismae...
This was the first Umrah of Muhammad (SAW) which had taken three days for its execution. After the c...
“O my people listen to me very carefully because maybe I shall not with you after this talk am...
As a young trader, He (SAW) earned a good reputation and was being proved the good omen for Khadija ...