Ranging from personal details to business-critical data, a wide variety of information gets targeted...
Having secured over 3000 applications over a period of 6 years and after 300 customer engagements, E...
Banks partner with Fintech startups to implement technologies such as Robo advice, Chatbots, KYC and...
XSSJacking is a new web-based attack that combines three other techniques — Clickjacking, Pa...
Fintech cyber security case study,Client was in talks with largest bank in Australia to get their ap...
Logistic security, Website security testing that you can trust! Entersoft provides reliable and prag...
Customer is India's leading NBFC and was looking for a Cyber security company to implement Reserve B...
A brief chat with WandX CEO, Abhinav Ramesh to discuss cryptocurrency based assets, FinTech in Indi...
OWASP has merged 2013-A4: Insecure Direct Object References and 2013-A7: Missing Function Level Acce...
We're heading towards a seamlessly connected world that will have 24 billion IoT devices by 2020....
Entersoft emerged victorious as Best Fintech Startup of 2017 and Outstanding Application Security So...
$400,000,000+ ICO investments stolen in total. 10% of all ICO funds lost....
Adobe Flash Player is prone to an unspecified remote code-execution vulnerability. Attackers can exp...
2018 has not been a great year so far with the whole Facebook fiasco and numerous compromised ICOs. ...
FinTech Hackfest - an event aims to make Hong Kong Fintech products secure within 24 hours. White ha...
Entersoft successfully conducted Tel Aviv Hackfest in collaboration with SQ Link Group, Israelâ€...
BLOCKLOAN is building the ultimate blockchain credit infrastructure, including a global Consumer Len...
BlockShow Asia 2018 is gathering more than 2000 people (big names from OTC like DRW/Cumberland; fund...